Wednesday, October 13

MechWorld Project: Ortho Study

Here's the final ortho study! I added a little more detail on the back part. Ready for Maya!


Lobo7922 said...

Everything is better with Mechs! And this is looking awesome :)
You are going to Maya now, but what tools have you been using to reach this stage? You know less experienced artist love those details ;D

Miguel Lopez said...

That's a good idea---I'll post the process a bit clearer in the future. Here's some quick steps I like doing: With Stage 1 of the mech posts, I do light scribbles with an HB or lighter pencil than trace it over with a 2B mechanical one. Stage 2 is the same process but with Photoshop: a bunch of splotches of brushes that I eventually make out a shape of interest. Thanks for the comments, man!

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